The tragic Kanjhawala accident that occurred in the capital city of Delhi on New Year’s Eve has shocked the country. A young girl was dragged for over an hour and a half before dying. Initially, the police believed this was simply a case of an accident followed by negligence on the part of the four occupants of the car. However, as the investigation has progressed, disturbing evidence has emerged suggesting that there may be more to this case than just a simple accident.
The victim’s family and the public are calling for a thorough and transparent investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident. Many are speculating that this could be a case of foul play and are demanding answers.
On Tuesday, the Delhi police announced that they had obtained a CCTV footage which confirmed that Anjali was not alone on the night of the fateful incident. According to the footage, Anjali was accompanied by a female friend named Nidhi. The police are currently using this information as part of their ongoing investigation into the matter.
After the police confirmed her presence with Anjali on the night of the incident, Nidhi came forward. However, prior to this, Nidhi did not contact the authorities, attempt to write down the vehicle’s license plate number, or involve the local community in an effort to stop the car and potentially save her friend. According to the postmortem report, Anjali likely died as a result of being dragged rather than the accident itself, suggesting that she may have still been alive at the time. The accident itself was not fatal for Anjali.
Talking to the media, Nidhi stated that on the night of the accident, she and her friend Anjali, along with other friends, had been drinking at an OYO hotel as part of their New Year’s celebrations. Anjali was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the incident, and the car that hit her had intoxicated occupants who were driving recklessly. According to Nidhi, the drivers of the car were aware that Anjali was stuck and being dragged, yet they did not stop.
The online community has heavily criticized Nidhi for her lack of action and apparent disregard for her friend’s safety. Many have pointed out that had Nidhi taken prompt action, Anjali’s life may have been saved. Instead, Nidhi chose to go home without making any effort to locate Anjali or involve the police. The incident has sparked outrage on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.
Below are a few tweets on the matter:
The reality is if this was a male friend who had abandoned his friend after an accident, he would have been vilified and possibly even charged and arrested.
The role of the female friend here is shocking and there can’t be any excuses on the basis of gender. #Delhiaccident
— Shivani Gupta (@ShivaniGupta_5) January 3, 2023
She is lying… now that Anjali isn’t there , Nidhi is just saying anything she wants. Defaming Anjali and putting all the blame on those guys.. She should be interrogated properly.
— Tulips (@Tulipswinni) January 3, 2023
What kinda friend is she😢😱#nidhi is a friend No body should be hoping to have in life 🙏😏
— Sunshine Girl (@DurgaMenon) January 3, 2023
Everybody isn’t your friend. Just because they hang around you and laugh with you doesn’t mean they are your friend. People pretend well. At the end of the day, real situations expose fake people, so pay attention #Anjali #Delhiaccident #Nidhi #Delhi #DelhiPolice
— Khushi 🤍 (@hey_khushiii) January 3, 2023