The Delhi Police have made two more arrests in the Kanjhawala Sultanpuri Anjali Singh death case, bringing the total number of suspects in custody to seven. The seventh suspect, Ankush, surrendered to authorities and has been taken to the Sultanpuri Police Station for questioning. The sixth suspect, Ashutosh, was also arrested by police. It is believed that Ashutosh’s car was used to drag the victim under the wheels on the night of the incident.
According to a press conference held by the Delhi Police, two additional suspects have been identified as attempting to tamper with evidence in an effort to help the five previously arrested suspects. The car involved in the tragic accident, a Maruti Baleno, is owned by Ashutosh, who has claimed to have lent it to friends at the time of the incident. However, police are considering him to be indirectly involved in the crime.
Delhi | Seventh accused in the Kanjhawala death case, Ankush surrendered before the Police at Sultanpuri Police Station.
— ANI (@ANI) January 6, 2023
The investigation into the Kanjhawala death case is ongoing, and more information is expected to be released as it becomes available.