A video has recently surfaced on the internet that shows Haldwani residents from the affected area thanking journalists who have referred to them and their locality as “jehadi,” “Kanoon Virodhi Mombatti gang,” and “Zameen Jihad.” In the video, the residents are seen speaking with heavy doses of sarcasm, asking the journalists if they would like some tea and biscuits to comfort themselves, and inquiring about how they have been enjoying their stay in the “jihadi” locality.
The video has been widely circulated on social media, garnering widespread attention and condemnation for the journalists in question. Many have called for an apology from the journalists and have demanded that they be held accountable for their words and actions.
The incident has sparked a heated debate on the role of the media in society, with some arguing that journalists have a responsibility to report the truth and hold those in power accountable, while others believe that the media has a tendency to sensationalize and distort the truth in order to gain viewership.
Regardless of where one stands on the issue, it is clear that the video has touched a nerve and has sparked a conversation about the importance of responsible and ethical journalism.
Recently, the Supreme Court of India issued a stay on the Uttrakhand High Court’s decision to evict and clear the land belonging to the railway in Haldwani.