eSec Forte Technologies, India’s top cyber security and digital forensics firm, has unveiled the DRONA Series forensic workstation and Signal Blocker Faraday Bags. The DRONA Series, developed under the Atmanirbhar Bharat initiative, is a high-end series of forensic workstations, while the Faraday Bags, designed and developed under the Make-in-India Initiative, are designed to protect electronic devices. The launch of these new products has further solidified eSec Forte’s position as a leading global cyber security organization with a diverse range of products and services.
The DRONA Series is offered in three configurations: Series I (Basic), Series P (Medium), and X (High-end). Its features include biometric-based authorization, persistent memory, an integrated webcam, and redundant power supply, as well as an advanced CPU cooling system, extended cabinet, and Read/Write bays for strong performance. Lt Col (Dr.) Santosh Khadsare (Retd.), VP of Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR), stated that the DRONA forensic workstation has been specially developed to meet the needs of accurate analysis, long-term durability, and high reliability for clients. It has customized bays and, thanks to its heavy-duty chassis and air/liquid cooling system, is capable of excellent performance.
“Our products are fully customizable and upgradeable. The DRONA workstation has the ability to use Intel and AMD processors, and comes with an integrated write blocker Tableau and 6-8 cooling fans. The internal parts of the workstation are partially made of Aluminum and Mild Steel to better dissipate heat and keep the system cool, As a Made in India product, our after-sale service will be quicker than other competitors in the market”. said Santosh Khadsare. In addition to the DRONA workstation, eSec Forte has also launched Faraday Bags.
These high-quality, durable bags provide excellent shielding for electronic devices and are widely used in law enforcement, forensic investigation, and the armed services. Faraday Bags are designed to protect laptops, mobile phones, and tablets from RF signals, EMI, EMR, EMF radiation, and EMPs, and can also block Bluetooth, cell signals including 5G networks, GPS, RFID, NFC, Wi-Fi (2.4 & 5GHz), and radio signals from low MHz up to 40GHz. Each bag is uniquely serialized for asset tracking and maintaining the chain of custody of evidence.
Faraday Bags are available in three different sizes to accommodate various electronic evidence, and feature two layers of high-shielding Faraday Fabric on all interior sides with double-paired seam construction. They also have an outer layer made of water-resistant, weatherproof nylon fabric, a Chain of Custody card, a transparent pocket, and a dual fold roll with a highly durable Velcro closure.
eSec Forte Technologies is a globally-recognized consulting and IT security company with a range of services including cyber forensics and cloud security. They are empaneled with CERT-INDIA for information security auditing and are a PCI DSS QSA. They also offer a platform for tracking the vulnerability life cycle of networks, applications, and cloud or third-party vendors. eSec is an authorized technology partner for various information security solutions.