Fintech startup BeyondIRR on Friday said it has secured seed funding from Zerodha’s venture capital arm RainMatter and Udaan co-founder Sujit Kumar. However, the company and investors did not disclose the funding amount.
BeyondIRR said it plans to use the funds to expand its team and build a stronger tech platform. The brand aims to empower investment experts and enable them to offer suitable fintech products while providing them with timely insights on the portfolio of clients.
Parag Kasliwal, Co-Founder and CEO, BeyondIRR said, “We are thrilled to have the support we need from RainMatter and Sujit Kumar to build BeyondIRR. Our technology enabled and insight driven platform will enable investment experts to interact with their clients on markets, investment products and client portfolio.
“Our investment intelligence platform will help prepare them for client meetings with actionable insights and empower them to create high-quality portfolio proposals and review presentations,” he added.
Nitin Kamath, Founder, Zerodha and RainMatter, said, “We are delighted to partner with the BeyondIRR team as they aim to address the challenges that consultants and relationship managers face today.