Gautam Adani, the Indian industrialist and chairman of the Adani Group, spoke out for the first time on Indian television in an exclusive interview on Aap Ki Adalat. In the interview, which will air on India TV at 10 pm on 7th January, Adani addressed allegations about his group’s bank loans and infra projects, stating that he is doing business in 22 regions and there is no BJP government everywhere.
Adani also shared his thoughts on the attention he has received in recent years, saying that he gained so much popularity because of Rahul Gandhi. According to Adani, Gandhi targeted him after 2014 and this is why he is on the show. “Everybody got to know who I am,” Adani said.
The Adani Group’s official Twitter handle promoted the interview, encouraging viewers to tune in to learn more about Adani’s vision on nation-building and what’s in store for the future.
Tune in tonight at 10pm on India TV to watch our Chairman, @gautam_adani, in an exclusive interview on Aap Ki Adalat with @RajatSharmaLive! Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about his vision on #NationBuilding and what’s in store for the future. #GrowthWithGoodness
— Adani Group (@AdaniOnline) January 7, 2023
In 2022, Adani’s earnings exceeded the total market capitalisation of the Pakistan Stock Exchange. Adani earned a staggering USD 33.80 billion in 2022, while the total market cap of the Pakistan Stock Exchange was USD 29.60 billion.
This exclusive interview on Aap Ki Adalat gave Adani the opportunity to respond extensively to the allegations against him and his group. It remains to be seen how his statements will be received by the public and whether they will impact the future of the Adani Group.
Aap Ki Adalat is a long-running Indian television program that airs on India TV. The show is hosted by the esteemed journalist and television personality, Rajat Sharma, and features in-depth interviews with notable figures from various fields, including politics, entertainment, and business. The show is structured in the form of a simulated court room, with Sharma serving as the lawyer and the interviewee as the defendant. Since its inception in 1992, Aap Ki Adalat has gained a reputation for its rigorous questioning and combative approach.