Anti-competitive trade practices by food-ordering platforms such Zomato and Swiggy are under the scanner as the Competition Commission of India (CCI) orders a probe. The probe order on Monday comes in the backdrop of many complaints made by the National Restaurant Association of India (NRAI) against the unfair pricing policies used by these multi million startups.
Anti-competitive trade practices by food-ordering platforms such as Zomato and Swiggy are under scrutiny as the Competition Commission of India (CCI) has ordered a probe. The probe ordered on Monday comes in the backdrop of several complaints made by the National Restaurant Association of India (NRAI) against unfair pricing policies used by these multi-million startups.
Competition Commission of India (CCI) is a statutory body in India established in 2003. It consists of six members headed by a chairman. The CCI chairpersons are selected by the Department of Personnel and Training under the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions.
The 32-page order said, “The Commission is of the view that there is a prima facie case with respect to certain conduct of Zomato and Swiggy, which requires investigation by the Director General.”
The NRAI has alleged that apart from hiding consumer data, Swiggy and Zomato prevent individual restaurants from placing orders on their own due to the mandatory bundle of ordering and delivery services.