Hrithik Roshan on Tuesday publicly acknowledged his relationship. The actor was rumoured to be in a relationship with girlfriend Saba Azad. Various rumors and gossip was going around on on the internet for days. The Greek God of Bollywood took Saba’s hand in hand outside the Mumbai airport on Tuesday and put and end to the rumours.
The paparazzi caught them on camera when the two were holding each other’s hands. They looked pretty good together. Both were returning with smiles on their faces. But Hrithik Saba trolled and were ridiculed after their airport video went viral on social media.
The video was apparently posted on Instagram and other social media by an account named Viralbhayani, who is famous for bollywood star spotting.
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A netizen wrote, ‘Saba looks like your daughter’. After that, in one comment after the other, everyone started making fun of him by calling his girlfriend Saba his daughter. The good part is that Hrithik never reacted to the trollers and kept his cool throughout.
Saba is 18 years younger than Hrithik. However, Hrithik is shying away from paying attention to these sarcasm. He is having a good time with Saba. A few days back, Saba was seen spending time with Hrithik’s family at their bungalow in Mumbai.