On Friday, vaccine manufacturing companies, Serum Institute of India (SII) and Bharat Biotech said that the precautionary dose of its Covishield vaccine and Covaxin will be reduced by Rs 600 per shot for eligible individuals. Both the shots will be available in private hospitals for Rs 225.
Adar Poonawalla, CEO, SII, said in a tweet, “We are happy to announce that after consultations with the Central Government, SII has decided to decrease the cost of Covidshield Vaccine by Rs 600 to Rs 225 for private hospitals.
In a tweet, Bharat Biotech’s Co-Founder Joint Managing Director Suchitra Ella said, “We welcome the decision to provide precautionary doses for all adults. In consultation with the central government, we have decided to reduce Covaxin’s price to Rs 225/ jab.
Bharat Biotech has released a statement requesting private hospitals to provide Covaxin at a revised rate with effect from April 10, 2022. The price difference with any existing stock of Covaxin in private hospitals will be compensated in the form of additional doses, it said.
However, other COVID vaccines like Russia’s Sputnik will keep selling at their earlier prevailing prices, until now there has been no official communication regarding the prices of Sputnik vaccines.