Karnataka exit poll predict a neck to neck for the key of power and governance, election concluded on this Saturday and exit polls have already been released by various agencies. All the polls predict a close contest, some placing BJP while some calling Congress to come out as the largest party in this Karnataka assembly elections. As the 2 chief political parties seem to fall short of majority, JDS is predicted to be the catalyst for the upcoming government and H. D. Deve Gowda to play kingmaker in these election. However the day of judgement is not far as the results will be announced tomorrow on 15th may.
Since, It is expected that BJP will have a proportionate number of seats than Congress in the major areas of Karnataka, However it is the Mysore region which will decide the fate for both the national parties. Considering the opinions, a clear insinuation that the BJP has barely any hold in Mysore where JD(S) could perform and sweep out congress from mysore as well as their ambition of forming a Government.
or in case it is congress he may demand an in surety for a new face as CM other than Siddaramaiah. It could be a reason for which Siddaramaiah openly said today that he will vacate the seat for Dalit CM.
We listed down the results of Karnataka exit poll here at one place:
[table id=4 /]Todays Chanakya’s Exit poll predicted a clear majority for the BJP in Karnataka, Interesting to note that they turned out accurate in most of the elections as seen in 2014 Loksabha, Assam, Tripura and in West Bengal Election.