8 Fake Anti Indian Content Based Youtube Channels Blocked By the Government

In a move by the Ministry of Information and Technology, the government cracked down on YouTube channels based on fake news reporting that were creating anti-India content that was malicious and inspired by fake narrative.

Most of these channels were using clickbait links and fake anti-India thumbnails to garner views. One of the blocked channels is Lokmat TV, which has over a million subscribers on YouTube and over 3 Lakh likes on its Facebook page.

As of now restricted channels are available on youtube but very soon access to these channels in India will be removed.

A screenshot of Loktantra tv youtube channel anti indian youtube channel
A screenshot of Loktantra tv youtube channel

Most recently, in August this year, the government had launched a similar crackdown on several YouTube channels and blocked over 18 Indian YouTube channels on similar charges of anti-India and outright fake content.

The Ministry of Information and Technology in its press release on PIB has mentioned the names of channels which are blocked. Here is the list.

YouTube Channels

YouTube channel Name Media Statistics

12.90 lakh subscribers

U&V TV 14,40,03,291 views

10.20 lakh subscribers

AM Razvi 1,22,78,194 views

95, 900 subscribers

Gouravshali Pawan Mithilanchal 15,99,32,594 views

7 lakh subscribers

SeeTop5TH 24,83,64,997 views

33.50 lakh subscribers

Sarkari Update 70,41,723 views

80,900 subscribers

Sab Kuch Dekho 32,86,03,227 views

19.40 lakh subscribers

News ki Dunya (Pakistan based) 61,69,439 views

97,000 subscribers

Total Over 114 crore views,

85 lakh 73 thousand subscribers


Facebook Page

Sl. No. Facebook Account No. of Followers
Loktantra Tv 3,62,495 Followers


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