An IIT graduate attacked two policemen with sharp weapons outside the Gorakhnath temple in Uttar Pradesh on Sunday evening. The said accused was trying to forcibly enter the temple premises while raising religious slogans. The Uttar Pradesh government termed the incident a ‘terrorist activity’. Members of the Special Task Force and Anti-Terrorist Squad will investigate the incident. However, close relatives of accused Ahmed Murtaza Abbasi claim that the attacker is mentally unbalanced.
On Sunday, when Ahmed tried to enter the temple raising religious slogans, he was stopped by two security personnel posted at the Gorakhnath temple, when Ahmed attacked him with a sharp weapon. Later many people came and stopped Ahmed. Thereafter he was arrested. The Uttar Pradesh Police later said that the incident would be treated as a terrorist act. Incidentally, Yogi Adityanath, the current Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, is the head priest of this Gorakhnath Math.
It is learned that Ahmed graduated from IIT Bombay in 2015. A laptop, a phone and a ticket were recovered from Ahmed at the time of his arrest. Additional Director General (Law and Order) Prashant Kumar said, “Looking at the material recovered from the man, it seems that this is a big conspiracy. We think it could be a terrorist attack.” It is learned that initially two cases were registered against Ahmed after the incident.
On receiving the information, DIG J. Ravindra and SSP Dr. Vipin Tada visited the Gorakhnath temple and inquired about the incident. After questioning him, the security of Gorakhnath temple was increased. The DIG also appreciated constable Anurag Rajput, who caught the attacker.