The Youth Affairs and Sports Minister, Anurag Thakur, launched the themes of the upcoming Youth 20 or Y20 summit, as well as its logo and website, twitter handel in a curtain raiser event held yesterday. This marks the first time that India will be hosting the Y20 summit, which is the official youth engagement group of the G20 and provides a platform for young people to share their ideas and vision on G20 priorities.
The themes for the Y20 summit, which will be held in November of this year, include the Future of Work, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction, Peacebuilding and Reconciliation, Youth in Democracy and Governance, and Health, Wellbeing and Sports. Each of these themes will be the focus of Pre summits that will be held in the lead-up to the final Y20 summit, over the next eight months.
The Y20 summit in India will focus on global youth leadership and partnership, and will provide an opportunity for young people from around the world to come together and discuss solutions to some of the most pressing issues facing the world today. With a focus on Industry 4.0, innovation and 21st century skills, the Future of Work theme will explore how young people can prepare for the changing nature of employment in the digital age.
The Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction theme will examine the role that young people can play in making sustainability a way of life, while the Peacebuilding and Reconciliation theme will address the importance of building a world free from conflict. The Shared Future theme will delve into the role of youth in democracy and governance, and the Health, Wellbeing and Sports theme will explore how sports and physical activity can contribute to the overall health and wellbeing of young people.
The curtain raiser event for the Y20 summit was well attended, with representatives from youth organizations and government agencies coming together to discuss the importance of youth engagement in shaping the future of the world. With the themes, logo and website now launched, preparations for the Y20 summit are well underway and anticipation is growing for this important event.
A historical look at the Y20 summit and how it began
Youth 20 (Y20) is the official youth engagement group of the G20, a forum of 19 countries and the European Union that come together to discuss, coordinate and cooperate on a range of economic and financial issues. The Y20 was established in 2011 as a way to give young people a greater voice in the G20 process and to involve them in the discussions and decisions that shape the global economy.
The Y20 operates under the umbrella of the G20, but it is independently run and organized by young people themselves. Each year, a different country is selected to host the Y20 summit and lead the organization, with the host country’s youth delegation serving as the chair of the Y20 for that year. The Y20 is made up of young people from the G20 countries and beyond, and its membership is drawn from a wide range of sectors, including business, civil society, academia and government.
The Y20 serves as a platform for young people to express their ideas, opinions and recommendations on G20 priorities, and it plays a key role in bringing the voices and perspectives of young people to the G20 process. The Y20 also serves as a networking and capacity-building platform for young people, providing them with the opportunity to learn from each other and develop their leadership and advocacy skills.
Since its inception, the Y20 has played a significant role in shaping the G20’s agenda and policy recommendations, and it has helped to raise the profile of youth issues on the global stage. The Y20 has also helped to foster greater collaboration and cooperation between young people from different countries and backgrounds, and it has played a key role in promoting youth empowerment and engagement around the world.