Delhi Police has suspended 11 of its employees in a major crackdown on police officers on patrol duty in the Kanjhawala death case during the New Year. The decision was made one day after the Home Ministry ordered Delhi Police to fire every officer on duty on the fatal night when a woman was dragged beneath the wheels from Sultanpuri to Kanjhawala area of the city and killed in a brutal manner.
According to CCTV footage that was released after the murder, a handful of police vans were seen traveling along the same path as the perpetrators, yet no one spotted the horrific act until the woman died from severe abrasions. Sources say that at least 3 PCR vehicles were on patrol duty on New Year’s Eve and there were also 2 pickets there.
Anjali Singh, who was riding her scooter home, was struck by an SUV being driven by five or six inebriated males and was dragged for at least 12 kilometers. The autopsy revealed that it was one of the most brutal and heinous murders ever seen. Her brain vanished, leaving the nearly empty rear side behind because of dragging. National Forensic Science University sent a team to the Sultanpuri area yesterday to reconstruct the murder scene.
Despite the fact that 7 persons have been detained by police in connection with the death by dragging case, their early actions have drawn significant attention and criticism. The most heinous and awful murder was deemed to be an accident by Delhi police, which infuriated the populace greatly.
Huge public outrage was seen on the streets when the murder case’s horrific facts were revealed, and the Home Ministry took great exception to the Delhi Police’s shoddy behavior. The suspension of 11 employees is a step towards holding those responsible for the lax patrolling accountable for their actions.