In Kerela, kottayam a mad lover boy burned a 20 year old medical college girl alive. The incident took place on wednesday, like any usual day the girl was in her class attending a lecture when suddenly the boy who was a pass out of the same college stepped in and before any one could blink an eye spilled petrol over the girl and set her up in flames.
The witnesses began to save the girl, while others tried to get hold of the culprit. The boy whos name is Adarsh moments after commiting this terrible crime spilled petrol over himself and burned himself too.
Both the boy and the victim girl were rushed to a local hospital were the doctors were unable to save the girl.
It was later found out that both the boy and the girl were very close to each other, and the girl didnt wanted to take their relationship any further, as a result she started to avoid him.
Angry from this ignorance the boy comitted this disturbing crime, destroying many lives which were realted to both the individuals.