Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted on Parakram Diwas, a day to commemorate the contributions of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, a freedom fighter and leader of the Indian independence movement against British colonial rule. In his tweet, Modi pays homage to Bose and highlights his “unparalleled contribution to India’s history.” He also mentions that Bose will be remembered for his “fierce resistance to colonial rule” and that the government is working to realize his vision for India.
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, also known as “Netaji,” was a prominent leader of the Indian independence movement against British colonial rule. He was a key figure in the Indian National Congress but later broke away from the party due to ideological differences. He is best known for his leadership of the Indian National Army (INA), a force of Indian soldiers that fought alongside the Axis powers during World War II with the aim of liberating India from British rule.
Today, on Parakram Diwas, I pay homage to Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and recall his unparalleled contribution to India’s history. He will be remembered for his fierce resistance to colonial rule. Deeply influenced by his thoughts, we are working to realise his vision for India.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 23, 2023
Bose was born in Cuttack, Orissa in 1897 and was a brilliant student, clearing the Indian Civil Service (ICS) exam in 1920. However, he resigned from the ICS to join the Indian independence movement. He was a charismatic leader and his speeches and writings were widely read and admired. Bose was an advocate of complete independence for India, as opposed to the “Dominion status” within the British Empire, sought by the Congress party.
Parakram Diwas is a day that is celebrated to commemorate the contributions of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose to the Indian freedom struggle. The day is celebrated on January 23rd every year, which marks the birth anniversary of Netaji. The day is observed as a tribute to the leader’s life, his teachings, and his contributions to the nation.
Netaji’s role in the Indian freedom struggle was significant. He built an Indian army in foreign lands and shook the mighty British Raj with his leadership. He made a victorious entry to liberate the motherland and his ideas and leadership continue to inspire people. The Indian government is working to realize his vision for India.
Netaji’s contributions to the Indian freedom struggle are still remembered and celebrated through events such as Parakram Diwas. His legacy is not just limited to the Indian independence movement but also to the nation-building process and in shaping the future of India.