The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath has launched “School Chalo Abhiyan” from Shravasti in UP to achieve 100 percent enrolment in primary and upper primary schools in the state, an official release from the Uttar Pradesh state government said.
The mission has started from Shravasti, the district with the lowest literacy rate in Uttar Pradesh. CM Yogi has also instructed the officials to give priority to the districts with low literacy rate.
Sravasti has a very important place in the ancient history of India, this place was the capital of Kosala kingdom in ancient India and also the place where Buddha lived for most of the time after his enlightenment.
According to the official release, CM Yogi has asked the officials to ensure better facilities in the primary schools of the state. The objective of “Operation Kayakalp” is to give a better look to the schools. The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh has said that the schools run by the state government should tick all the boxes of the goals of Operation Kayakalp.
Adityanath also said that the Basic Education Department has been ordered to prepare for the upcoming mission and appoint teachers in all the schools run by the state government.
He said that departmental officers have been instructed to run the campaign with the help of alumni of government schools. The authorities will also collaborate with private firms to modernise management in government schools.
The CM of Uttar Pradesh has also said that in addition to the public representatives, MLAs will also participate in the “School Chalo Abhiyan”. Legislators should take responsibility of each school. In addition, the authorities are expected to take over one school each to oversee the overall development of the school.
CM Adityanath has also asked to ensure that all government schools can provide basic facilities like drinking water, washrooms, suitable furniture and smart classes to the students. Under the campaign, students will also get school uniforms, school shoes and socks.