Rishabh Pant, a prominent member of Indian Cricket Team and renowned wicket-keeper batsman, was involved in a severe car accident on December 31st while en route from Delhi to his home in Roorkee. The accident resulted in significant injuries for Pant and the complete destruction of his vehicle by fire. Initially, it was thought that the cause of the accident may have been a nap, but additional information has since come to light regarding the true cause of the incident.
Shyam Sharma, Director of the Delhi and District Cricket Association (DDCA), made a visit to Max Hospital in Dehradun to assess the condition of Rishabh Pant, who was involved in a recent car accident. During his visit, Mr. Sharma spoke with Pant’s family and revealed that the accident was caused by a sudden pothole in the road. Mr. Pant reportedly attempted to avoid the pothole, but ultimately lost control of the vehicle. Mr. Sharma spoke to IANS, stating, “I have come to offer my support and well wishes. The BCCI will be providing updates on Pant’s health. He is like family to us and we are pleased to see that he is in good spirits and making a swift recovery.
What caused this accident ?
According to local reports, the highway where the accident occurred has a history of numerous potholes, which have previously caused other accidents as well. It has been claimed by those living in the area that the road has been poorly maintained and poses a danger to travelers.
News of Rishabh Pant’s car accident broke in the morning and the renowned cricketer was immediately taken to a private hospital in Roorkee for primary treatment. An X-ray of Pant’s right leg showed significant injuries resulting from the accident. X-ray reports from the private hospital have been widely disseminated. Pant was later transferred to Max Hospital in Dehradun for additional care. The BCCI released a medical bulletin in the evening detailing Pant’s head and leg injuries.
Shyam Sharma, a director for the Delhi and District Cricket Association (DDCA), announced that the BCCI will be responsible for determining the future course of treatment for Rishabh Pant, who was injured in a recent car accident. Sharma stated that he was present at the hospital at the request of President Rohan Jaitley, as a gesture of goodwill and to support Pant, who is considered like a child to the DDCA. Sharma also mentioned that there is currently no need to transfer Pant to Delhi for treatment, and that the BCCI will ensure that Pant receives the best possible care by determining the most appropriate course of action.