Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address school students appearing for board exams this year in a program called Pariksha Pe Charcha. This will be the fifth edition of the event, being held since 2018, will be held this year. Prime Minister Modi has been participating in the ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’ program of the students of the country for the last five years.
Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan has commented on Modi’s program on Twitter. He called upon all the educational institutions of the country to show this program. Students and parents are also invited to this. The event is scheduled to air on 1 April.
Through this program, Prime Minister Modi will inspire all the students to be successful in the examination. Modi’s program is already in the process of being broadcast in various educational institutions of the country. Arrangements will be made to show the program to the students appearing for the board examination in all the educational institutions across India.
The enthusiasm towards this year’s Pariksha Pe Charcha has been phenomenal. Lakhs of people have shared their valuable insights and experiences. I thank all those students, parents and teachers who have contributed.
Looking forward to the programme on 1st April.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) March 30, 2022
The first edition of Exam Salary Charcha conducted earlier by Prime Minister Modi was held on 16 February 2018. The second edition took place on 29 January 2019 and the third edition on 20 January 2020. The fourth edition of the COVID 19 pandemic was launched online on 7 April 2021. The program will telecast live on digital media including Doordarshan Radio Channel, TV Channel, YouTube Channel, Narendra Modi App, Doordarshan National, MyGovIndia, DDNews, Rajya Sabha TV.