The much awaited Assamese Bollywood movie ‘Bridge’ will be released on February 4 in Assam. Kripal Kalitai, the director of the film, said this while addressing a press conference at Narayanpur Press Club. Film lovers are urged to enjoy the film through news correspondence. It is worth mentioning that Shivarani Kalita, the lead actress of the first Assamese film to win the award at the 51st Indian International Film Festival, won three awards for Best Actress.
Assamese movie Bridge, has so far managed to win 10 national and international awards. The film, produced by Rama Kumar Das and Sabita Devi, has already been screened at more than 36 international film festivals. Kripal Kalita is the director of story, screenplay and dialogues for the full-length film ‘Bridge’ made under the banner of Krishti Pathar. The film was shot by Ramen Ravai and edited by Kishore Dekai.
The press conference was attended by director Garaki, main actress Shivarani Kalita, actor Swapnil Nath, one of the well wishers and cultural activists Mrinal Dutt, Neep Dutt, senior journalist Karunakrishna Nath and some other prominent personalities.