An alarming and reprehensible incident occurred on an Air India flight from New York to Delhi on November 26. According to eyewitness accounts, a man who was visibly intoxicated allegedly urinated on an elderly woman who was seated in the business class aisle of the plane. The incident was brought to the attention of the crew, but they failed to take any action to prevent the man from disembarking when the flight landed. As a result, he was able to walk away without facing any consequences for his disgusting behavior. Air India has since taken steps to rectify the situation by filing a formal police complaint about the incident.
Air India launched an investigation into the disturbing incident that occurred on a flight from New York to Delhi on November 26, only after the victim, a woman in her seventies, sent a letter of complaint to N Chandrasekaran, the chairman of Tata Sons, the parent company of the airline. In the letter, the victim described how the crew failed to manage the situation effectively and how she was left feeling deeply traumatized and unsafe due to the actions of the intoxicated man who urinated on her. The woman also stated that the crew made no attempts to ensure her comfort or provide her with any support during the ordeal.
In the victim’s account of the incident, it was stated that the accused only moved after being prompted by another passenger. This resulted in the elderly woman’s belongings, including her clothes, shoes, bag, and seat, being fully saturated with urine. Upon being informed of the situation, the cabin crew immediately took action, with a stewardess verifying the incident and spraying disinfectant on the victim’s affected belongings. The crew also provided the victim with clean clothing in the form of pajamas and disposable slippers to wear.
Following the traumatic experience of being urinated on by a drunken passenger, the victim was given a narrow crew seat to sit in for approximately one hour as a temporary measure. However, after this brief period of time, she was asked to return to her original seat for the remainder of the flight. It is unclear why the victim was not offered a new seat or a more comfortable place to wait during this time.