On January 7, 2022, a man pretending to be a sub-inspector was arrested in Amroha, Uttar Pradesh for flaunting a fake police uniform. The arrest was made following a complaint from a woman, Nasreen Jahan, who claimed to have been defrauded of Rs 55,000 by the accused, who went by the name of Qasim.
According to Deputy SP Amroha Circle Vijay Kumar Rana, Qasim had met Jahan’s husband, Waris Saifi, and claimed to be able to obtain a Rs 10 lakh loan from the Union Bank. In the process, he took possession of Jahan’s school marksheets. However, instead of obtaining the loan, Qasim defrauded Jahan of Rs 55,000 through platforms like Paytm and Google Pay, saying that the money was being used for the loan.
पुलिस अधीक्षक अमरोहा @langeh_ips के निर्देशन मे थाना अमरोहा नगर पुलिस द्वारा उ0प्र0 पुलिस उपनिरीक्षक की वर्दी पहनकर आमजन को वर्दी का रोब दिखाकर धन उगाही कर रहे फर्जी उप निरीक्षक/शातिर ठग को किया गया गिरफ्तार ।#UPPolice #GoodWorkUPP pic.twitter.com/eoKzmvlMie
— Amroha Police (@amrohapolice) January 7, 2023
When Jahan confronted Qasim about the loan and asked for the money to be returned, he refused and even insulted her. He also threatened to have Jahan’s husband imprisoned or killed if she reported the matter to the authorities. Tired of Qasim’s actions, Jahan decided to approach the police and report the matter.
According to Jahan’s complaint, Qasim was known to walk around the city dressed in a police uniform and introducing himself as an inspector, in an attempt to intimidate people. On the day of his arrest, he was seen wearing the uniform once again. The police promptly arrested him and took him to court.
This incident serves as a reminder for people to be cautious of individuals claiming to be something they are not, especially when it comes to law enforcement. It is important to verify the identity of such individuals before engaging with them.