A ward boy named Mahipal Singh, of Moradabad district hospital in Uttar Pradesh died on Sunday. As per the deceased’s family, Mahipal had taken the corona vaccine jab a day before his death. The family has alleged the corona vaccine to be the reason behind Mahipal’s unfortunate death.
As per news reports, he was given a shot of Covisheild vaccine after which he developed complications like breathlessness and severe chest pain.
However, the post-mortem report of Mahipal’s body doesn’t seem to testify that he died of any side effects of the vaccine. A three doctor panel performed the autopsy, reported that Mahipal Singh died of a heart attack or in medical terms, a cardiac arrest.
Furthermore, Mahipal’s family claimed that he was not tested positive for Covid19 and that he was vaccinated for immunisation, not for treatment.
Covisheild vaccine is co-developed by the Oxford University and British-Swedish pharma manufacturer AstraZeneca. Unlike the Covaxin vaccine, Covishield did go through proper clinical trials and got an approval after positive results shown by the vaccine. In India, Oxford and AstraZeneca’s vaccine is manufactured by the Serum Institute of India Pune under the brand name Covisheild.
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