Tragedy struck the community of Maduravoyal in Chennai this morning as one of Zoho’s beloved engineers, 22-year-old Ms. Shobana, lost her life in a scooter accident. According to eyewitness accounts, Ms. Shobana’s scooter skidded on the heavily potholed roads while she was transporting her younger brother to school. Ms. Shobana fell off her vehicle and was tragically run over by a truck.
This devastating loss has not only affected Ms. Shobana’s family, but also the entire Zoho community. Our thoughts and condolences go out to Ms. Shobana’s loved ones during this difficult time. Ms. Shobana was a talented software engineer, and her loss will be deeply felt by all who knew her.
Sridhar Vembu, the CEO of Zoho, expressed his condolences and placed blame on the poor road conditions for Ms. Shobhana’s untimely death in a social media post. He stated that the accident, which occurred on heavily potholed roads, was a tragic loss for not only Ms. Shobhana’s family, but also the entire Zoho community. Mr. Vembu emphasized the danger that poorly maintained roads can pose to individuals and their loved ones.
One of our engineers, Ms. Shobana died tragically when her scooter skidded in the heavily potholed roads near Maduravoyal in Chennai. She was taking her younger brother to school.
Our bad roads have caused a
tragic loss to her family and Zoho.— Sridhar Vembu (@svembu) January 3, 2023
It is a reminder of the danger that poorly maintained roads can pose to individuals and their families. Our hearts are heavy as we mourn the loss of such a valued member of our team.
According to reports, Ms. Shobhana was on her way to take her brother, Harish, to his NEET coaching classes when the accident occurred. Although Harish sustained injuries in the accident, he is alive and receiving treatment.
According to the police, neither Ms. Shobhana nor her brother were wearing helmets at the time of the accident.