On Monday, the family of Anjali Singh, the woman who tragically died on January 1 after being dragged for miles beneath a car that hit her scooter, reported a theft at their home in Karan Vihar. The burglars reportedly broke the lock and stole valuables including a brand-new LCD TV that had been in the family’s possession for only two months. Anjali’s sister told ANI, “We arrived here and found the latch broken and household items, including the LCD TV, gone from under the bed.” The family has accused Anjali’s friend, Nidhi, of being involved in the theft.
The Delhi Police are currently investigating the case and have taken seven people into custody. However, Anjali’s maternal uncle has expressed skepticism about the police’s handling of the situation. He said, “Why wasn’t there a police presence outside the house yesterday? There had been police stationed there for the past 8 days, but yesterday there was nobody.”
In addition to the theft, Anjali’s uncle has also accused Nidhi of lying about Anjali being intoxicated at the time of the accident. He said, “Nidhi was nowhere to be found after the accident and only reappeared after Anjali’s funeral. If she was a true friend, wouldn’t she have called the police or Anjali’s family? She seems scared now. I believe this is all a plot by Nidhi.” He added that Anjali didn’t drink frequently and the postmortem report would have shown evidence of intoxication if that was the case.
Anjali, who was only 20 years old, died in the early hours of January 1 after being dragged for over 12 kilometers from Sultanpuri to Kanjhawala in Delhi. The Delhi Police were able to locate and interview Nidhi, who was riding on the back of Anjali’s scooter at the time of the accident, thanks to CCTV footage.