Mumbai Indians have bought Ishan Kishan at the highest price in this year’s IPL auction. This shows how much captain Rohit Sharma trusts him. Ishaan Kishan has been playing for this franchise since a very young age in 2016. Although this young man from Jharkhand could not impress Rohit at all in the beginning. He was scolded by ‘Hit Man’.
Talking about the incident of a talk show named ‘Breakfast with Champions’, Ishan Kishan said: “I was new to the team then. It was my first season. And I was brand new. Usually we would make the ball old. On the ground. Thinking this, I started throwing the ball on the wet ground and I feel like I am helping the ball to grow old. Rohit bhai will appreciate me. But Rohit took out his towel and wiped the ball and started cursing me.
Ishan also said that his captain advised him not to talk on the field. Ishan said, Today’s cricket has changed a lot. Now people don’t wait for the big shot. Ishan Kishan has made a great start in the current season of IPL and in both of his matches he has scored half-centuries. Mumbai bought him in the auction for Rs 15.25 crore.
Mumbai Indians have lost both their matches in the current season and they are yet to taste a victory in this new season of TATA IPL. In their upcoming ficture, the five-time champion will face Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) on Wednesday.