West Bengal: In an unfortunate road accident took place on Tuesday early morning, at least 13 people lost their lives and 18 sustained injuries. As per local news reports, early morning fog and reduced visibility led to this horrendous accident.
Two vehicles coming from the wrong side collided with the truck packed with boulders. Near Jaldhaka bridge, the driver lost control of the vehicle, crashed into the divider, slid to the right and collided head-on with another vehicle.
The PMNRF would pay compensation to the families of those who lost their lives in the accident and to those injured.
Prime minister Narendra Modi expressed condolences to the families of deceased and injured. PM tweeted “The road accident in Dhupguri in Jalpaiguri (West Bengal) is extremely anguishing. In this time of sadness, prayers with the bereaved families. May the injured recover soon”
State’s police along with the assistance of localites of Dhupguri city, helped to rescue the injured. Some injured people were crushed under the boulders, rescuers fear the death toll could rise further.
Sumant Roy, Assistant Superintendent of Police, Jalpaiguri said. The driver of the truck survived the accident and was arrested.
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