Amid rising coronavirus cases across the country, the state of Karnataka has issued a new set of guidelines to contain the spread. As per the new rules, if more than 15 COVID cases are detected in a society, the other occupants will have to mandatorily get themselves tested. There were similar rules in place during the first two waves of covid.
According to the guidelines, there is no need to seal the apartments and schools, although the swimming pool and other community halls of the society can be closed in case of high cases.
Apart from the guidelines, the government seems to be in a mood to take punitive action against those who do not follow the Covid rules. The government is also planning to impose fines on those not wearing face masks or following COVID appropriate behaviour. The Karnataka government has imposed a fine of Rs 250 on people for not wearing masks in public during the wave of the Delta variant.
After a cluster of reported cases, the concerned areas will be sanitised using 1 per cent sodium hypochlorite solution and from the next day the premises can be reused without sealing.