During the utter chaos being caused in Haryana & Punjab, a Ram Rahim security man from the Dera Sacha Sauda slapped an Inspector General ranked police officer in Haryana.
During the courts judgement the followers of Ram Rahim was in constant tension with the police and BSF. As Dera’s head was charged of rape and was being brought out of the CBI court complex a security member from his team started to argue with the police officials and insisted on taking Ram Rahim in their own private vehicle rather in a Haryana Police car.
Subhash Yadav IG of Haryana Police refused and suddenly found himself in the middle of an argument, a security personnel from the Dera Sacha Sauda slapped the IG and pushed him.
In order to fulfill their motive the security men from Dera also laid down in front of the Haryana Police cars.
All that is left to ask now is, have people gone so far in influence of a guilty criminal that they are willing to kill and be killed. Let alone slapping a police officer that wears the national emblem.
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