Making India Proud : Teen Develops The Smallest Satellite

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India is a rapidly developing country,and it is now becoming home to several pioneers of the latest technology. Making a name for himself among such Pioneers is Rifath Sharook from Tamil Nadu.
At the age of 18 Rifath has developed the worlds smallest satellite, the satellite is called KalamSat and is named after the renowned scientist and late former President APJ Abdul Kalam.

The weight of the satellite is an astonishing 64 grammes, made via 3D printing this miniature satellite was selected by a competition sponsored jointly by NASA.

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The Micro satellite is said to be launched into space by NASA using an SR4 rocket from the Flight Facility in Wallops island on 21 June, The main objective of the launch would be to study nature of 3D printed carbon fiber structure in space.
Minds like Sharook are a true gift to the field of technology and innovation.

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