Xiaomi has unveiled its latest addition to the budget segment of smartphones. Xiaomi’s Redmi series of smartphones always emerged out as the winner in this segment. Redmi 4 would be the predecessor of Redmi 3s series which was launched back in August last year. Redmi 3 & 3s turned out to be the biggest success for Xiaomi as they managed to sell around four million units alone in India.
The Redmi 4 houses a more premium design with metal all over it. The device features a new octa-core processor offering more speed and efficiency. In terms of design, it resembles Xiaomi’s note 4 with 2.5d glass and similar chamfered edges. This time battery has got a huge pump up it has a whopping 4100mAh battery. Although the camera section is a bit disappointing as the price is so low, one cannot essentially ask for more.
The Redmi 4 is an Amazon exclusive and priced at 6,999, 8,999 and 10,999 Indian Rupees for the 2GB, 3GB, and 4GB Ram models, respectively.
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